Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Three Seconds Perfection...


is when you wake up early in the morning
when it’s still chill and dark and the rest of your world is still sleeping,
realizing that you are laying on your own bed,
in your own room,
with your husband beside you,
and your own family in the other rooms,
knowing that today is Sunday,
and you can do anything you want,
and you dont have to go to the fucking office,
and doing the fucking job.


(mengenang satu hari sempurna, Minggu 27 November 2005)


mpokb said...

huwwaaaa...! turut berduka cita eyi..
eh, tapi minggu depan masih bisa diulang kok momennya.. ;)

Anonymous said...

yup, it's perfect

Anonymous said...

hehehehe... ndak ah... sayah ndak mau komen, soalnya sayah masih kecil. sayah ndak tau maksudnyah? :D :P

indigo wine said...

exactly what i need rite now =)

a damn long holiday...

btw, balik ke Medan maksudnya, mbak =D