Friday, January 16, 2004

Tea in the Sahara

My sister and i, have this wish before we die. And it may sounds strange. As if our minds are deranged. Please don't ask us why. Beneath the sheltering sky. We have the strange obsession. You have the means in your posession.

Tea in the Sahara with you...
Tea in the Sahara with you...

The young man agreed. He would satisfy their need. So they danced for his pleasure. With the joy you could not measure. They would wait for him here. The same place every year. Beneath the sheltering sky. Across the desert he would fly.

Tea in the Sahara with you...
Tea in the Sahara with you...

The sky turned to black. Would he ever come back. They would climb a high dune. They would pray to the moon. But he'd never return. So the sisters would burn. As their eyes searched the land. With their cups still full of sand.

Tea in the Sahara with you...

Beberapa hari yang lalu, di kantor, waktu kepala saya pusing dan hidung meler, lagu ini mengalun terus-menerus di kepala. Setiap buka mulut untuk nyanyi, yang keluar cuma "tea in the Sahara with you.., tea in the Sahara with you.." I couldn't think of any other song! Judulnya -seperti reffrainnya- Tea in the Sahara. The Police, best band evah'! Saya cuma pernah dengar satu album, Greatest Hitsnya, dan nggak ada satu pun lagu di album itu yang saya nggak suka.

Saya baru tahu The Police tahun 1999. Seorang laki-laki memperkenalkan mereka. Dari laki-laki itu juga, saya yang waktu itu cuma tahu lagu-lagu top forty, jadi ngeh sama grup-grup band dan penyanyi lama: The Who, The Doors, ELP, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Matt Monro (ooh, I love his song: "Softly as I Leave You"), John Denver (and I'm KREEZZZYY of "Annie's Song"!!!), Sinatra...

Sekarang, setelah empat tahun putus dari dia, kami sudah benar-benar jadi sahabat. Semua perasaan, keinginan, impian, sudah lama lenyap. Tapi ternyata -selain kenangan- ada satu yang dia tinggalkan buat saya. Satu yang sampai sekarang nggak bisa lepas.

Tea in the Sahara with you...
Tea in the Sahara with you...

(But actually..., I'd rather have coffee :p)

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